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Our guest Wednesday March 6, 2024 at The Hungry Club at Big Mama’s Kitchen is Mr. Sam Quartey, President of the Ghana Friendship Association. The association was formed to educate and support the community by introducing the Ghanaian culture by way of traditional clothes, fashion, native food and rich history as well as cultural dancing and drums. The association also educates the children of Ghanaian families about their background and culture.

The association supports clinics and schools in rural areas of Ghana through donations of all types from clothing, food and hospital needs. The association is involved in community services and activities in both Nebraska and Ghana.The association is open to all Ghanaian’s and their families residing in Nebraska.

The Hungry Club is presented by Big Mama’s Kitchen & Catering and Black Men United and moderated by Mr. Willie Hamilton, CEO/Executive Director, Black Men United. We bring in local, regional, and national speakers on topics of interest to north Omaha and the entire Omaha Metro area. You can enjoy a great home-cooked meal in a venue intimate enough where you can ask questions and have a good discussion with the guest speaker.

***The Hungry Club is open to the public, everyone is welcome***

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